#OCDproblems – Reclaiming the hashtag

Talk about raising awareness about OCD!

Dreams to be anxiety free

At the end of last year (how odd it feels to say that!) I had an idea. As a twitter community we had done some awareness raising using the #thatsocd hashtag. It was a powerful way to describe our lived experiences with OCD. However, I had a nagging concern that perhaps it was only reaching those suffering with OCD and I wanted to find a way that allowed us to reach a wider audience so that we weren’t just preaching to the choir- as it were.

On Twitter there is another hashtag that looks like this : #OCDproblems.

People use it to tweet about their neurotic quirks and habits. You know how it goes:
“Hate it when the teacher doesn’t wipe the board properly. lol.#OCDproblems”

“Wish people wouldn’t wear odd socks 😉 #OCDproblems

It’s irritating and a misuse of the term. Suddenly I wondered what it would be like if…

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2 Responses to #OCDproblems – Reclaiming the hashtag

  1. Thank you for sharing this, Janet! I will watch the video when I have more time but look forward to it!

  2. You’re welcome, Tina. I think it’s really powerful.

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