An Inspiring Artist and A Book Giveaway!

I have recently connected with rising pop artist Sarah Tolle who delivers messages  of strength and resilience to people who are struggling – and to those who are supporting them.

Her single, “Fight For You”, was released on November 12th and has been streamed 185,000+ times since hitting digital streaming platforms.

Check out Sarah’s website to listen to more of her music. She has an amazing voice!

book cover

As 2021 draws to a close, I’d like to end the year by giving away three signed copies of my book, Overcoming OCD: A Journey to Recovery (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), to randomly selected readers who comment on this post.

Please leave a comment by Wednesday, December 22, 2021 to enter the giveaway. My apologies to all my overseas followers, but I need to limit this contest to those in the United States and Canada.

Good Luck ! Winners will be announced the week of December 26, 2021.

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20 Responses to An Inspiring Artist and A Book Giveaway!

  1. Camille Hamilton says:

    As a mother of an adult child with OCD, her words do resonate. I will never give up, I will always fight for him, but he needs to be willing to fight for himself. I’m going to tell him to “fight for you!”

  2. Flerida Rodriguez says:

    We, as a family have 25 years at the side of our daughter with love and great hope that the nightmare will disappear at any moment soon and that she will be able to have the proper care she needs to fulfill her hopes or a recovery that will allow her to live the life she dreams and craves for.
    Thanks Janet, your words, articles and work about OCD is a magnificent tool for those of us who are in an every day battle.

  3. Hello Janet,

    I’m a parent in the POTAYA group and saw your message about your book giveaway this morning. I’m very glad to know about your book as I’m certain it has much to offer us. My 18 year old son was recently diagnosed with OCD so our treatment journey has really only just begun.

    • Thanks for joining in the giveaway Sheila. My book chronicles my son’s (mostly college years) journey through severe OCD. You can read more about it, as well as reviews, on Amazon. My son continues to do well over ten years later. Your son will get there too!

  4. T says:

    Another parent on the POTAYA site here. My 18 year old daughter is struggling immensely. Given her age, we are no longer welcome in the youth clinic and we are sitting on a never-ending wait list for ‘adult’ help. Lost in the shuffle and spending more than we can afford on private therapy. I purchased 3 OCD workbooks, and one of them she has actually opened and worked on. We are unable to borrow from the library, as she suffers with contamination ocd. So no ‘used’ books for her, and no ‘contaminated doctor or therapy office visits’ either. Thank goodness for online zoom calls! It feels like a nightmare of heartache, worry and a financial trap. I would love your book, but honestly, if you sign it, she won’t touch it (but I would, if you feel is it beneficial for a parent to read).

    • I’m sorry to hear your daughter is suffering so much. I know it is so hard to imagine things can get better when you are in the midst of severe OCD, but they absolutely can….and they will. My son is living proof and your daughter will get there too. I think the book is beneficial for parents as well as young people (or anyone) with OCD. You can check out the reviews and description on Amazon for more info, but you’re entered in the giveaway for an unsigned book :).

  5. Patricia Dingman says:

    This book sounds great. I have had OCD since I was about 6 years old. It can be a daily struggle. I do talk to a counselor, but having some extra help, such as your book, would be wonderful. Thank you for writing this book. It is very important that people get the true message of what OCD is.

    • Thanks for your kind words, Patricia, and I’m happy to say that from the feedback I’ve gotten over the years, the book has helped many people, which of course was my goal when I wrote it. I wish you all the best and you are entered in the giveaway.

  6. Carole Myers says:

    I’m in the midst of the battle with OCD- so far unable to muster the bravery to do the exposures my therapist is asking of me. Incredibly hard. Entering this for the book, to read about your victory.

    • Carole, I know that ERP therapy is incredibly difficult, but is it more difficult than living with OCD controlling your life? Not from what I hear. The only regret I have ever heard from those who have worked hard at ERP therapy is that they wish they had done it sooner .I know you can beat OCD, and wish you all the best as you move forward. You’re entered in the giveaway.

  7. Brenda Bartelt says:

    I’m very interested in your book and blog. My 16 year old son has had OCD for the past several years, but hasn’t been able to face it head on in battle. I’m feeling the crush of only having a couple more years to really direct his recovery, and yet knowing that he must be willing to do the hard work of therapy himself. It’s all so overwhelming.

    • Hi Brenda, I am so sorry to hear how difficult it has been for you and your son and totally understand how overwhelming it feels. I hope my book will help and inspire both of you. He will get there, though I know it can be hard to imagine when things are so tough. You are entered in the giveaway and I wish you both all the best.

  8. Carole Johnson says:

    Overcoming OCD: A Journey to Recovery by Janet Singer and Seth J. Gillihan was one of the best books I’ve read on OCD. It combined most effectively the perspectives of the son, his mother, and his doctor. Although this was one of the first books on OCD that I read, I have warm recollections of the people and wonder how they are doing now. Thank you for writing this book.

    • Thank you so much for your kind words, Carole, and I’m happy to hear the book made an impact on you. I am also happy to report that ten years later Dan is doing very well – working in his field, living with his girlfriend, and going for a masters degree. He is certainly a testament to the fact that OCD, no matter how severe, is treatable. (His parents are doing well too :))

  9. Jackie says:

    I saw this and know it will be helpful to my son who has an OCD diagnosis along with myself.
    Thanks for the chance.

  10. Glad to find your blog, Janet. Looks like it’s packed with lots of good information. I facilitate an OCD support group in North Carolina, and I will pass this on to our members. I look forward to reading your book about your son’s journey. I have had OCD for many years, which was most difficult after the birth of my first son. My two sons are now grown and doing well, while they, too, are living with rumination/OCD anxieties and mild Tourette Syndrome. Best wishes to you and your family!

    • Thank you so much for sharing, Connie, and I’m glad you and your sons are doing well. And thanks for all you do through your support group to help others with OCD. You are entered in the giveaway and I wish you and your family all the best as well!

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